Modification af BR870 til thru-pic / thru84

Ludpipo, UniprogIV, and BR870 without switches

To use for "write-thru", it is necessary to run a program on the pic16x84. To be able to run this program, the pic16x84 needs +5V on /MCLR, so an additional switch is added (run switch).

 - DB9 - PIN

          (BLUE)         10K    
     -   3 - TxD   --+--VVVVV-----+--------------------> /MCLR (4)
          (blue)     |            |
                     |            *  /
                     |              / 
                     <             / RUN switch
                     < 2K2        *
                     <            |
                     <            |
                     |            |
                     |            | 
                     |     |\|
                     +-----| |--------+----------------> Vdd +5V (14)
                     |     |/|        | 
                   __|_/   1N4148   ===== +  
                  / / \             =====  
                   /   \ 5V6          |   100uF
                   --+--              |
                     |                |  (WHITE)
      -  5  GND    --+----------------+-----------------> Vss (5)
          (shield)   |
                          22K          (GREEN) CLOCK
      -  7  RTS    ------VVVVV----+---------------------> OSC1(16),RB6

                         2.2K          (ORANGE) DATA
      -  4  DTR    ------VVVVV----+---------------------> RB7 (13)
                                  |    black
      -  8  CTS    ---------------+
                                 / \   -->
                                /   \  --> LED
                   +5V            |
                        2K2 or more
As an extra precaution I have added additonal 5V1 zenerdiodes
on RB7 and OSC1 (not showed above).

If your computers serial interface does not supply voltages near +/- 12V, 
the LED may be omitted. 

BR870 - PCB component side

Connect an extra "run" switch as shown:

br870 modifications

Actually temporarly just connecting the two points will do the job, adding an extra switch to the board is just for convenience.